We all know that female beauty comes from within. However, a little bit of help from outside won’t do any harm; just the opposite. Here, you’ll find 10 beauty foods to eat and wear.

“10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear” – of course, there are no secrets there. But who knows, maybe you’ll see something interesting that you haven’t known before and would be willing to try.

We all know that female beauty comes from within. However, a little bit of help from outside won’t do any harm; just the opposite. Here, you’ll find 10 beauty foods to eat and wear. Of course, there are no secrets there. But who knows, maybe you’ll see something interesting that you haven’t known before and would be willing to try.

Beauty is a woman’s greatest asset and biggest secret. Any woman looks beautiful if she is healthy and happy. “There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness” – Maria Mitchell.

From beautifying fruits to enjoyable chocolates, these 10 beauty foods that you can eat and wear provide the body with the nutrients necessary to function best in terms of various elements of physical appearance. To glow naturally, you need to consume a wide variety of nutritious foods.

“To give life to beauty, the painter uses a whole range of colors, musicians of sounds, the cook of tastes — and it is indeed remarkable that there are seven colours, seven musical notes and seven tastes.” – Lucien Tendret (1825-1896), “La Table au pays de Brillat-Savarin”

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked, “Do I look my age?” I bet you have because I always do. It’s absolutely normal trying to look your best, prevent your aging, or just age gracefully. Here are 10 beauty-infusing foods that you can eat and wear every day.

10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear



10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY


Cucumber hydrates your skin naturally while the rich fiber content helps remove the toxins. It keeps your skin cool, moist, and firm. It tightens the skin, repairs the damaged skin cells, fights acne, heals scars, makes skin tone even, and prevents wrinkles and fine lines. You can eat cucumber in many ways. You can have it in yogurt or salad. You can drink cucumber juice and apply it directly to your face and neck. You can simply cut it and put the slices on your eyes.




10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY


Strawberries provide you with vitamins, fiber, manganese, potassium, folate, flavonoids, and polyphenols. They have a powerful antioxidant – ellagic acid, which prevents the breakdown of collagen – a major component of your skin. Strawberries also contain salicylic acid which is responsible for fighting acne, unclogging pores, and leading to cleaner and healthier skin.

This super fruit performs miraculously when it comes to skin care. For a facial mask, choose the ripest strawberries because they are the densest in nutrients. Cut the berry in half and massage your face and neck with it. Then wait for 5 minutes and again wipe your face with a freshly cut half for 5 minutes more. After such a strawberry massage, wash the skin with room-temperature water. The strawberry juice is perfect for instantly lifting and brightening your skin up.


Olive oil


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Olive oil is the food that can be found in every kitchen. The only reason for not having it is that you’ve already finished the bottle and need to go to a grocery store for another one.

Olive oil is a superfood to eat and a superstar in your beauty care. It’s the most affordable cosmetic product for healthy skin, hair and nails. Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, K, squalene, oleic acid, and powerful antioxidants. If you use olive oil only for food, you are missing the simplest, universal, 100% natural, head-to-toe, and inside out beauty care product. You can apply it directly on your skin or massage your scalp.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked, “Do I look my age?” I bet you have because I always do. It’s absolutely normal trying to look your best, prevent your aging, or just age gracefully.



Turmeric is a flowering plant of the ginger family best known as a spice used in curry. Probably, you don’t know that turmeric contains about 300 powerful antioxidants but its most active compound is curcumin. It’s curcumin that gives that bright yellow-orange color to the food. Since time immemorial, turmeric has been one of the most commonly used spices in Indian recipes.

According to Ayurveda, turmeric has blood purifying, anti-bacterial and anti-ageing properties that give your skin a natural glow. You can add turmeric as a spice in your cooked food, or drink turmeric milk at night.

Turmeric is good for all skin types. Facial masks with turmeric help in reducing acne, blemishes, pigmentation, and inflammation. For acne – mix turmeric with warm water and honey. For hyperpigmentation and wrinkles, mix turmeric with kefir. For irritation, mix turmeric with freshly squeezed juice of aloe vera.



A medium avocado consists of about 13g of carbs, 3g of protein, 22g of healthy fats (including omega-3 fatty acids)), 10g of fiber, vitamins A, D, and E, and 11g of sodium. A few studies found that minerals in avocado oil, including potassium and magnesium, may seal cuticle cells, which can help hair look smooth and shiny and prevent it from breaking. All the goodies found in avocados help moisturize and protect your skin from aging and also increase the collagen production.

Make guacamole – an avocado-based dip: pit an avocado, puree the pulp, squeeze a half of lime, add herbs you like, and olive oil. Enjoy it and don’t forget to apply part of it on your face.



Oatmeal works wonders for your health and beauty. Some of the best-known benefits of oatmeal for your natural glow are its ability to help hydrate and nourish your hear and skin. Oatmeal moisturizes, protects, exfoliates, and cleanses your skin. It is loaded with anti-oxidants which help combat cell damage. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines; helps boost collagen production; improves your skin complexion; and reduces skin inflammation.

You can apply oatmeal on your face as often as you want. It’s a 100% natural beauty product with no chemically processed or synthetic compounds. Rest assured that it is the most affordable and a far better effective solution than using any commercial cosmetic products.



Papaya is full with a variety of phytochemicals, including a significant amount of vitamin C (75% of its Daily Value, DV), 11% carbohydrates, folate (10% DV), polyphenols, and carotenoids lutein and beta-carotene that give that bright orange color to its flesh.

The sweet tropical fruit has a lot of health and beauty benefits. Being a good source of fiber, along with being low in calories and rich in antioxidants and minerals, papaya aids weight loss. Papaya is known for its laxative properties. People in the tropics consider papaya to be a remedy for constipation and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It helps to keep your skin beautiful and your hair shiny.

The fruit helps prevent wrinkles and visible signs of ageing. Being an excellent source of Vitamin C, papaya stimulates the collagen production making your skin, nails and hair glow naturally.

Enjoy papaya and don’t forget to make a puree of its flesh to apply for your skin.




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Honey is one of nature’s most wonderful foods that have numerous health and beauty benefits. Honey is probably the most natural and simplest skincare treatment and a perfect natural solution for many skin problems. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, honey benefits oily and acne-prone skin. It deeply hydrates your skin, acts as a pore cleanser, lightens scars, and rejuvenates the skin. Maybe your never-ending quest for the gorgeous skin might end here?

The simplest and easiest facial mask is just applying honey directly on your face. But you have to avoid the area around the eyes. If the honey is too liquid, then put a wetted in honey napkin with eye holes

If you’ve never used manuka honey, you should try it. Manuka honey is the rarest honey in the world produced by bees from the nectar of the manuka tea tree in New Zealand and Australia. It has unique health and beauty benefits. But it is also the most expensive honey in the world.

But you have to keep in mind that honey you are going to use has to be raw, not pasteurized. And if you are allergic to honey, then is not for you.


Dark chocolate


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Chocolate. The sweet delight. The one of the most mysterious, healthiest, and the most enjoyable foods in the world. Chocolate makes your skin, hair, and nails glow. Naturally. That’s why so many skin care treatment centers offer chocolate face masks. But you can do it nice and easy yourself, at home. In a bowl, combine the cocoa powder, honey, and cinnamon. Stir well and apply this paste on your face for about 15 minutes.


Sour cream

Sour cream is one of the healthiest fermented foods. It is made by adding lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) to milk cream and leaving it to ferment for about 24 hours. The lactic acid bacteria increase the thickness of the cream and add its characteristic tangy flavor.

Sour cream is rich in vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, and selenium.

Applying plain sour cream on your face is the simplest and excellent skin care treatment. The lactic acid will naturally remove dead cells and hydrate your skin. But mixing together two tablespoons of sour cream, half a banana and one tablespoon of honey will give you a better result. Make the paste and apply a thick layer of it to your face, wait for 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water.


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10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY

10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY

10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY

10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY

10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY

10 Secret beauty foods to eat and wear - DIY

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