10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

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Japanese women do not torture themselves with various diets – they eat what they want. Mysteriously, they manage to grossly enjoy food but not gain weight.

Can you imagine an obese Japanese girl? If you can, then you probably have a very vivid imagination. Why Japanese women don’t get fat? What are the secrets?

The percentage of obese people in Japan is only 3.5. This is one of the lowest rates in the world. And in the female part of the population, it is even less. Why Japanese women don’t get fat? What are the secrets?

Obviously, the secret of it is hidden in the peculiarities of Japanese women nutrition. You’ll probably be surprised, but the local cuisine was formed in the conditions of a total shortage of food. The fact is that there is simply very little room in Japan for large-scale agriculture. Therefore, it was necessary to focus on seafood. Apparently, it turned out well.


10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat


The best diet is the diet of positive thinking

Japanese women do not torture themselves with various diets – they eat what they want. Mysteriously, they manage to grossly enjoy food but not gain weight. They love themselves the way they are and try to find something pleasant and joyful in every day of their life. They move a lot – walk, ride a bike, play sports – and try to think positive no matter what.


10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat


Japanese women do not torture themselves with various diets – they eat what they want. Mysteriously, they manage to grossly enjoy food but not gain weight. They love themselves the way they are and try to find something pleasant and joyful in every day of their life. They move a lot – walk, ride a bike, play sports – and try to think positive no matter what.

Secret # 1 – Rice instead of bread

Rice is a staple food in the Japanese cuisine. The Japanese cannot live without rice. This is one of the reasons why Japanese women are so phenomenally slim. Breads can lead to overweight. Actually, eating bread won’t make you fat; eating bread in excess will. But rice, despite the high content of carbohydrates, is considered a dietary product. No salt, not fats, and no cholesterol – perfect!

Secret # 2 – Lots of fish

Japanese women can eat fish three times a day and are especially fond of salmon. There are many ways to cook it, most of which do not involve frying. By the way, the Japanese consume about a tenth of the total fish production in the world. Thanks to it, they are not only slim, but also healthy, because Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin B12 greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and many other health disorders. Moreover, salmon contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which not only protects the brain and nervous system but also prevents the symptom of skin damage and promotes youthfulness.

Secret # 3 – Steamed vegetables

Any self-respected Japanese woman will tell you everything about any variety of onions, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli or eggplants. Steamed vegetables are one of the favorite dishes of Japanese women. And, as you know, they are incredibly healthy.

Every beautiful Vietnamese girl is beautiful in her own way, but there are some common features – white skin, large eyes with double eyelids, swollen lips, small noses, silky hair, long legs, and athletic bodies.

Secret # 4 – Seaweeds

Surely, we can’t forget about seaweeds. Seaweeds contain powerful antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, and a good source of iodine – a trace mineral vital for the health and function of the thyroid. They are also a source of heme iron – a form of iron that can actually prevent iron-deficiency anemia. Some Red seaweed contains even a decent amount of vitamin B12! And a minimum of calories! Japanese women cannot imagine their life without seaweeds.

Secret # 5 – Soy sauce

This well-known sauce with a strong umami taste can be added anywhere and the meal turns out very tasty. By the way, soy sauce is not of Japanese origin, it came from China. It is traditionally made from a fermented paste of soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae molds. Most, but not all, Japanese soy sauces include wheat as a primary ingredient, which tends to give them a slightly sweeter taste than their Chinese counterparts. Despite its high sodium content, soy sauce enjoyable and healthy part of the Japanese diet.

Secret # 6 – Noodles

Together with the soy sauce, noodles came to Japan from China and became a staple of Japanese cuisine. However, the Japanese have brought noodle preparations to a real art. Everyone loves ramen, perhaps the most famous Japanese noodle. Ramen noodles are made from wheat, are much thinner and longer than other types of noodles and have a nice chewy bite. Japanese girls do not recognize Western noodles and pasta. For them, this is very high in calories and immediately leads to a set of extra pounds.

Secret # 7 – Tempura – Japanese unique fried food

Along with sushi, tempura is synonymous with “Japanese food” and one of the most common Japanese dishes served outside of Japan. This is a dish that consists of vegetables and seafood battered and deep fried, and served over rice or noodles. The batter is the most crucial part of tempura, consisting of flour, eggs, and water, keeping the ingredients moist and flavorful.

The most favorable ingredients for tempura include shrimp, scallops, squid, and small crabs, or vegetables such as shiitake mushrooms, asparagus, Japanese eggplant, and snow peas. The vegetables and seafood used in tempura are healthy and nutritious. Seafood is a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals like iron and zinc. Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Secret # 8 – No “best before”

Of course there is! In Japan there are two types of dates commonly seen of food labels: best before and expiration. Food products often only have one of these two. However, Japanese women are accustomed to eating only fresh foods, which normally don’t have expiration date. And if the foods have it, then we are not talking about days, but about hours. A Japanese woman will never cook soup or make meatballs for a week in advance, not to bother with cooking later. Most of them, over 40%, stated to prepare food almost every day at home, while around a quarter admitted that they never cooked food themselves. What a paradox!

Secret # 9 – No big portions!

Now we come to the main explanation why the word “obesity” is not in the vocabulary of Japanese women. Large portions, traditional for the USA or Russia, are not accepted in the Land of the Rising Sun. In Japan, all portions are small. Again, we are not talking about popular tourist establishments that are oriented to a different audience. Small portions have nothing to do with the fact that the Japanese are greedy people. This is a special food culture. The main basis of Japanese healthy eating is to eat little, but often.

Secret # 10 – Miso soup for breakfast

The only meal of the day that can be hearty is breakfast. But breakfast for a Japanese woman is not croissants and buns, like in France, for example. A traditional Japanese breakfast consists of steamed rice, miso soup, a protein such as grilled fish, and various side dishes.

Miso is a fermented paste created from a mixture of soybeans, sea salt and rice. It’s a go-to Japanese ingredient often used in soups, marinades, glazes and condiments. Miso soup is full of probiotics, which contribute to improved gut health. Salty and earthy, miso soup has the deeply layered flavor – it’s the umami-rich broth without the meat.

Green tea, of course! But it’s not a secret.

Any Japanese woman can tell you a lot about the health and beauty benefits of green tea. Green tea contains antioxidants that both make you slimmer and slow down the aging process. Not a bad combo, right? If someone still believes that the main drink in Japan is sake, then they are greatly mistaken – green tea and nothing else. And at least a few times a day.


10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

10 Secrets why Japanese women don’t get fat

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