Where is that secret line between elegance and vulgarity, classy and trashy?

Where is that secret line between elegance and vulgarity, classy and trashy? Why we instinctively appreciate elegance and style and don’t like vulgarity? What is the difference and why elegance is always sexy?

Derived from the Latin vulgus, “vulgar” means “the common people”, “the masses, undifferentiated herd, a mob”. Vulgar is a lack of good taste and charm. This adjective can describe anything from the sexually explicit to the merely ugly and rude.

If you watch old movies, the way the actresses dressed, talked and moved, you would like that elegance to be back again. Not “copy-pasted” though, because times have changed and as such our concept of elegance. But some things that could be described as elegant remain unchanged, no matter the era or the age of a woman.


There is no charm in the ordinary


The ordinary is something invisible, unimpressive, undistinguished, unnoticeable, and dull. It’s like in the famous “Cellophane” song from the “Chicago” musical:

“You can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I’m there…”

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy


Elegance is always sexy


No doubts, elegance has much to do with our clothing and makeup. But it has equally as much, if not more, to do with our attitude and behavior, our self-esteem and confidence. And when all these things go together, elegance comes across as very sexy.


Where is that secret line between elegance and vulgarity?


Although the concepts of the sexuality and the vulgarity are close, they are difficult to define, since people’s ideas have changed depending on the eras, there are still tangible differences between the meanings of these words.

Elegance is always sexy.

Time does not stand still, so the concept of vulgarity. If a few years ago, a mini-skirt in combination with over-the-knee boots was considered vulgar, whereas today it is another fashion trend, the same as socks with sandals. However, some signs of vulgarity remain unchanged.


Girls often confuse vulgarity and nakedness with sexiness


At 18, girls might not have a clue what “elegance” means. Their everyday lives are spent living in jeans, leggings and T-shirts. They dress formally when they go out on big dates or weddings. For most of them, nakedness and sexiness are the same things. The thought of looking vulgar never crosses their minds because at this age, a hormonal activity rules their life. From the biological point of view, it’s rather normal: when you are young and healthy your task in a human population is to produce children to prolong the human race.

Only at about 21 and on, women start realizing that there is sexiness in the mystery of leaving some things covered to the imagination. A rare balance between elegance and sexiness can be achieved without looking provocative, nude, offensive or any variety of adjectives that accurately describe many celebrity fashion icons of today.


Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy


Where is the line between nakedness and sexuality?


A woman’s elegance and sexuality lies in her way of walking, her manner of speaking, gestures, scent and, of course, clothes, which should delicately emphasize dignity, but not demonstrate everything at once.

It is very easy to cross the line between elegance and sexuality (or rather vulgarity). Just one unsuccessful dress or a too short skirt and you no longer emphasize your advantages, but showcase your shortcomings.


Here are some practical tips to look sexually elegant, not vulgar


Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy


Balancing nakedness

A well-known fact that many women forget: you need to expose one thing – either the upper body or the lower one. When emphasizing your chest, cover your legs, keeping the proportions of the figure. Choosing a short skirt or shorts, you make focus on your legs, so do not forget to cover the top – deep necklines are forbidden!

No gaps between the buttons!

A very important point is the buttons. There should be no gap between the buttons on a shirt, dress or blouse – this creates the effect of a chest that is about to burst out and take over the whole world. Do we need this?

Moderation with transparency!

Transparency is a trend that goes from season to season. How to use it correctly to look stylish, not vulgar? A good idea is buying a transparent summer bomber jacket, cardigan or sheer raincoat and pairing it with your casual outfit.

If you like to show your waist, catch a lifehack: use a beige bodysuit to match the skin – this will make you look sexy, but not vulgar. By using this technique, you can safely compete in style with Kim Kardashian herself.

Accessorize wisely!

Now about accessories. Sexuality is in the details! Buy quality shoes, bags, belts and glasses – as expensive as you can afford.


Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy


Black, white, and gold – the spectrum of elegance

Black, white, and gold are the favourite colours of an elegant woman because they have purity, strength and power. White is purity, black is strength, and gold is power.

Clothes that are not age appropriate

Love the way you are and love the age you are at. However, if at fifty years old you still prefer the Lolita’s outfit then you will not cause anything but pity in those around you. Mature ladies in frivolous clothes will look as ridiculous as little girls in mother’s dresses, even worse – they will look vulgar. If you don’t know how to choose the right clothes for your age, then choose a good role model for yourself, for example, Kate Middleton or Meryl Streep.


Remember that even the most beautiful and expensive dress can be ruined by inappropriate shoes, for example, high-heeled shoes with a huge platform. A small hidden platform that matches the skin tone or the colour of the pants will make short legs longer.


Do you wanna know a secret of a quality bag? The sound of the opening and closing it should be like the sound of the closing door of an expensive car! The ugly sound of a cheap bag will become noticeable immediately, creating an unnecessary impression on you.

Showing lingerie

Underwear is to wear “under”; the lingerie should be under the clothes, and no other place will work for it.


Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy


No over-tight things

Only gloves, tights, underwear, and sports leggings should fit tightly to the body. The rest of the clothing should be at a certain distance from the body and retain some freedom.

Too much glitter

Of course, in some cases, diamond substitutes such as rhinestones or sequins will look appropriate, but in most cases, such decor will only make your look vulgar.

Natural makeup

Makeup is the thing that distinguishes an elegant woman from the vulgar one. Choose natural, or very close to it, it’s in vogue today. It is worth remembering that aggressive make-up – the “war paint” – is capable of two things: attracting the men’s sexual attention or making them ready to fight. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the natural beauty. After all, makeup should hide the existing imperfections and make the skin glow.


Enjoy expressing your personal style with confidence!


Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy

Secret line between elegance and vulgarity – classy and trashy


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