All shades of the cloud-covered sky are a favourite pick to make sophisticated home interiors that shows no signs of going away in the foreseeable future.

Neither black nor white, grey is also the most sophisticated shade in today’s home interiors. All shades of the cloud-covered sky are a favourite pick for home interiors that shows no signs of going away in the foreseeable future.

Arguably, but more likely, grey is the most versatile neutral color. From light to dark, grey hues are really achromatic, meaning literally “no color” and making the perfect match for everything everywhere.


Why grey interiors are so popular?


Sophistication of grey interiors


Grey can be mixed with any other color

Grey can be easily matched with any other color; it doesn’t matter if it’s red, blue, or green.

Grey gives uncountable decor ideas

Gray goes well with both large and heavy objects, and with thin transparent fabrics. Regardless of the chosen style, shades of gray will always be relevant and organically fit into any interior. It gives the uncountable ideas for decor variations and combinations.

Grey interiors can be easily updated

The main advantage of the gray interior is its ability to be easily updated or experimented with.

Easy to make a focal point

The beauty of gray is its versatility: in grey interiors, it’s easy to make an impressive focal point with a decorative item of any texture, shape and color.

Easy to create monochromatic interior

Monochromatic interior is one of the latest trends in interior design. Even very modest interior looks elegant and sophisticated if it is monochromatic. And the best color to create it is grey, because it has hundreds of shades, from light to dark.

Neither black nor white, grey is the most sophisticated achromatic color in today’s home interiors meaning literally “no color” and making the perfect match for everything everywhere.

Is grey interior right for you?


Being a signature color in Scandinavian style, grey provides a sense of sophistication and simplicity. Making a fail-safe combination with other natural materials, grey hues bring coziness and psychological comfort to the home.

Although grey represents neutrality and balance in color psychology, some people consider it as a dull and moody hue that creates feelings of sadness and depression, loneliness and isolation. Maybe it’s because we sometimes feel a bit low on days where the sky is cloudy?

While yellow is associated with joy and happiness, the color gray implies a dark state of mind, misery and pessimism, a colorless and monotonous life. If it’s the case and any combination with the brighter palette doesn’t help, then grey interior is not for you.


Sophistication of grey interiors


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