Although, there’s an abundance of animal and plant-based foods full of protein, not all food sources of protein are created equal.

Protein is so important for your health and beauty that once again we’ve decided to provide you with quintessential but short information about these top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow.

Protein is a macronutrient of vital importance: your muscles, bones, skin, hair, and virtually every other part or tissue of your body are made of proteins. The enzymes that power millions of biochemical reactions are proteins; the neurotransmitters that enable brain cells to work are proteins; the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood is a protein too.


Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow


Twenty-plus basic amino acids are proteins’ building blocks. Nine amino acids – histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine – are essential amino acids that your body cannot produce and they must come from food.


Not all food sources of protein are created equal


Although, there’s an abundance of animal and plant-based foods full of protein, not all food sources of protein are created equal. Scientific evidence indicates that it’s the source of protein (the “package”), rather than the amount of protein, that makes a difference for your health and beauty. When you eat protein rich foods, you also eat everything that comes alongside it: fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and more. Because foods contain a lot more than protein, it’s important to pay attention to what else comes with it.


Top 10 protein foods for your natural glow


Here are top 10 protein foods for your health and beauty:

  1. Meat
  2. Poultry
  3. Eggs
  4. Fish
  5. Seafood
  6. Milk and yogurt
  7. Cottage cheese
  8. Cheese
  9. Beans
  10. Oatmeal

IMPORTANT NOTE: Percent Daily Value – %DV

Percent Daily Value (%DV) is a guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. For example, 40% for protein means that one serving provides 40% of the protein you need each day. It helps you make informed food choices. DVs are based on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy adults.

In this article, values and percentages are approximate and based on the USDA Nutrient Database.


Scientific evidence indicates that it’s the source of protein (the “package”), rather than the amount of protein, that makes a difference for your health and beauty.

How much protein  do you need?

There’s little solid information on the ideal amount of protein in the diet or the healthiest target for calories contributed by protein – only general recommendations. It’s believed that adults have to get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day. Actually, you don’t need to eat large amounts of protein foods to meet your nutritional needs. However, you have to be selective and always remember that plant protein foods don’t have essential amino acids.




Low protein diets may even result in hair loss, but you’ll hardly experience hair problems if you include red meat (though, in moderation) in your diet. It has high quality protein with balanced amino acids content that is crucial for making your hair strong and healthy. Red meat is rich in iron, biotin and sulfur which are all desirable nutritional elements for hair health. Also, red meats, especially beef, lamb and liver, have some of the highest concentrations of zinc in food, without which no one strand of hair will grow on your head.




Turkey or chicken instead of red meat will also do the trick by providing good protein with all the essential amino acids (29 grams protein per 100 grams of roasted turkey) as well as iron and biotin that promote hair strength and prevent breakage. Comparing the two, the nutritional values are pretty similar, so everything boils down to your preferences.  




Yes, the most commonly eaten any time of the day, eggs are one of the best head-to-toe “beauty package” rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. 35% of the calories in an egg come from protein, and one large whole egg (one egg is about 50 grams) contains 6 grams of it. Studies show eggs can help a person feel satisfied and full for longer, helping prevent overeating.

Eggs supply several vitamins and minerals as significant amounts of the Daily Value (DV), including vitamin A (19% DV), riboflavin (42% DV), pantothenic acid (28% DV), vitamin B12 (46% DV), choline (60% DV), phosphorus (25% DV), zinc (11% DV) and vitamin D (15% DV). A yolk contains more than two-thirds of the recommended daily intake of 300 mg of cholesterol. Don’t be afraid of cholesterol – it’s a nutrient, not potassium cyanide. Bottom line, when it comes to your beauty and overall health, eggs are really a superstar.




Fish is one of the great sources of containing all essential amino acids proteins. Some varieties provide as much protein per 100 grams as chicken or lean beef. However, fish as the “package”, as food, is the best source of essential beauty ingredients – Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are among the must-have foods for healthy hair because they are responsible for the health of the cell membrane. These useful fatty acids are found in the cells that line the scalp and also provide the oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated. Low-fat diets can make your scalp dry and inflamed and lead to hair loss. Fatty fish is a good prerequisite for the dermal synthesis of vitamin D from cholesterol in the skin under the sun. Halibut, herring, sardines, trout, mackerel, cod, tuna, and haddock are all good, but salmon wins out over the rest as one of the healthiest fatty fish.

TIP: Try to buy wild-caught fish because it’s higher in protein and less in contaminants than farmed fish.




One serving of seafood of 100 grams contain 29 gram of protein – 58% DV! Seafood also provides other essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B, and D, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium, and potassium. By regularly including seafood in your diet you will help your skin look and feel younger. It’s true because seafood contains some of the best nutrients available, like vitamins and minerals that boost skin health and may help nurture a glowing complexion.


Milk and yogurt


Milk is one of the healthiest foods on earth. Generally, cow milk consists of is 88% water, 4.9% lactose (carbohydrate), 3.4% fat, 3.3% protein, and 0.7% minerals. Milk also contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin-restoring antioxidant. Plus, milk’s vitamin D is also an anti-aging vitamin thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects and protection from UV rays. By the way, no studies have found that milk or yogurt lead to acne breakouts.

Cleopatra is renowned for bathing in camel milk, which has been treasured for thousands of years for its benefits to hair and skin. But cow milk will do the trick too! To make a milk bath, you can put 1-2 cups of milk to a full tub of warm water. You can also add in essential oils, bath salts, honey, or baking soda for additional benefits.


Cottage Cheese

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Made from the curds of pasteurized cow’s milk, this soft and un-aged cheese is a magic dairy product with an abundance of protein casein. Surprisingly, studies have shown that cottage cheese (or farmer cheese) mimics the same long-lasting fullness as eggs helping you to control your weight. It’s because casein digests more slowly than whey protein, feeding the muscles all day long. In addition, cottage cheese is loaded with calcium, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. Protein accounts for 70% or more of the calories in non-fat cottage cheese. The cottage cheese beauty benefits cannot be overestimated.




Cheese is high in both B12 and B1, zinc and protein, which is the key for optimal shine. Cheese is a great source of cholesterol. Oh no, don’t be afraid of cholesterol. It has been rehabilitated and Canada, USA and UK state that cholesterol is no longer considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption. Our body, including our hair, needs cholesterol. Cholesterol is an essential structural component of all cell membranes and a precursor for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones. Steroid hormones help control metabolism, inflammation, immune functions, salt and water balance, development of sexual characteristics, and the ability to withstand illness and injury. Without cholesterol, we wouldn’t even exist!




Beans, especially black beans, are rich in protein: 100 grams of beans provides 21.6 grams of protein, making them a great part of any healthy diet. Beans have significant amounts of fiber (insoluble and soluble) – one cup of cooked beans provides between 9 and 13 grams of fiber. Additionally, beans are a good source of iron, magnesium, potassium, and folic acid (vitamin B9). Folate and iron work together to support the production of red blood cells and improving blood flow, which supply your hair, skin and nails with the nutrients for your natural glow.



Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

This breakfast staple has so many health and beauty benefits that hard to list. Although oats do not contain all nine of the essential amino acids, they are still considered a high-quality plant-source option. Oats have more protein than any other common grain — 17 grams per 100 grams – the amount equivalent to the protein content of 2 eggs! As a “food package”, oatmeal is a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Oats can help lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases, and control blood glucose. Having great health benefits for your body, oatmeal can also be used for the overall health of your skin! It moisturizes, protects, exfoliates, and cleanses your skin. Oatmeal improves your skin complexion and reduces skin inflammation. It helps boost production of collagen, a protein produced in the body that gives your skin a plump, youthful look. Collagen is a popular ingredient in many expensive beauty products but oatmeal stimulates its production in your skin – naturally!


Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

Top 10 protein rich foods for your natural glow

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